American Chemical Society
jp9b06383_si_001.pdf (1.58 MB)

Propagating Hybrid Tamm Exciton Polaritons in Organic Microcavity

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-10-18, 21:29 authored by Bin Liu, Rong Wu, Vinod M. Menon
Strong coupling between Tamm plasmons and organic cavity polaritons is observed at room temperature. Angle-resolved reflectometry experiments unambiguously indicate the anticrossing in the dispersion relations, which is characteristic of the strong coupling regime, and the Tamm plasmon–cavity polariton hybrid states can be energetically manipulated by tuning the Tamm plasmons. The experimental data are in good agreement with calculations based on the transfer matrix method. Emission from the lower energy Tamm plasmon–cavity polariton hybrid states is observed, and the propagation property of the hybrid Tamm plasmon polariton is also studied. The real-space imaging experiments reveal that the propagation distance is larger when the Tamm plasmon and cavity polariton are strongly coupled in comparison to both the exciton of the uncoupled organic neat film and the cavity polaritons. Moreover, the propagation length of the hybrid polaritons increases as the fraction of Tamm plasmon component in the hybrid states increases.
