American Chemical Society
jp9b07830_si_001.pdf (732.76 kB)

Light-Driven Redox Activation of CO2- and H2‑Activating Complexes in a Self-Assembled Triad

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-12-13, 19:25 authored by Nathan T. La Porte, Davis B. Moravec, Richard D. Schaller, Michael D. Hopkins
We report a self-assembled triad for artificial photosynthesis composed of a chromophore, carbon-dioxide reduction catalyst, and hydrogen-oxidation complex, which is designed to operate without conventional sacrificial redox equivalents. Excitation of the zinc–porphyrin chromophore of the triad results in ultrafast charge transfer between a tungsten–alkylidyne donor and a rhenium diimine tricarbonyl acceptor, producing a charge-separated state that persists on the time scale of tens of nanoseconds and is thermodynamically capable of the primary dihydrogen and carbon dioxide binding steps for initiating the reverse water-gas shift reaction. The charge-transfer behavior of this system was probed using transient absorption spectroscopy in the visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared spectral regions. The behavior of the triad was compared with that of the zinc-porphyrin–rhenium-diimide dyad; the triad was found to have a significantly longer charge-separated lifetime than other previously reported porphyrin–rhenium diimine compounds.
