American Chemical Society
jo047897t_si_001.pdf (9.86 MB)

Hydroxylamines as Oxygen Atom Nucleophiles in Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Allylic Substitution

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journal contribution
posted on 2005-03-18, 00:00 authored by Hideto Miyabe, Kazumasa Yoshida, Masashige Yamauchi, Yoshiji Takemoto
The viability of hydroxylamines as nucleophiles in transition-metal-catalyzed allylic substitutions was examined. We have found that the oxygen atom of hydroxylamines having an N-electron-withdrawing substituent (also known as hydroxamic acids) acts as a reactive nucleophile. The palladium-catalyzed O-allylic substitution of hydroxylamines with allylic carbonate afforded the linear hydroxylamines. The selective formation of the branched hydroxylamines was observed in iridium-catalyzed reaction. Regio- and enantioselective allylic substitution of the unsymmetrical phosphates with hydroxylamines was studied by using the iridium complex of chiral pybox ligand. The aqueous-medium reaction with hydroxylamines proceeded smoothly in the presence of Ba(OH)2·H2O to give the branched products with good enantioselectivities.
