American Chemical Society
ic7017727_si_007.cif (27.34 kB)

Heterochiral Triangulo Nickel Complex as Evidence of a Large Positive Nonlinear Effect in Catalysis

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posted on 2008-02-04, 00:00 authored by John S. Fossey, Ryosuke Matsubara, Hiroshi Kiyohara, Shū Kobayashi
A novel triangulo complex was generated by heating, in vacuo, a racemic C2-symmetric octahedral nickel(II) diamine complex. The trinuclear species was identified by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, which revealed a 2:1 ligand stereochemistry relationship in each unit. This solid-state structure evidences the hypothesis that a 1:2 stereochemical relationship lies at the heart of the strong positive nonlinear effect observed in enecarbamate aldol-like reactions catalyzed by nickel(II) diamine complexes.
