American Chemical Society
ja300888t_si_001.pdf (688.64 kB)

Generation of an Isolable, Monomeric Manganese(V)–Oxo Complex from O2 and Visible Light

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journal contribution
posted on 2012-05-16, 00:00 authored by Katharine A. Prokop, David P. Goldberg
The direct conversion of a MnIII complex [(TBP8Cz)­MnIII (1)] to a MnV–oxo complex [(TBP8Cz)­MnV(O) (2)] with O2 and visible light is reported. Complex 1 is also shown to function as an active photocatalyst for the oxidation of PPh3 to OPPh3. Mechanistic studies indicate that the photogeneration of 2 does not involve singlet oxygen but rather likely occurs via a free-radical mechanism upon photoactivation of 1.
