American Chemical Society
ja300294a_si_004.cif (17.52 kB)

Fe-Catalyzed Allylic C–C-Bond Activation: Vinylcyclopropanes As Versatile a1,a3,d5-Synthons in Traceless Allylic Substitutions and [3 + 2]-Cycloadditions

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posted on 2012-03-21, 00:00 authored by André P. Dieskau, Michael S. Holzwarth, Bernd Plietker
The low-valent iron complex Bu4N­[Fe­(CO)3(NO)] (TBAFe) catalyzes the allylic C–C-bond activation of electron-poor vinyl cyclopropanes to generate synthetically useful a1,a3,d5-synthons which are prone to undergo multiple consecutive reactions. The versatility of this approach is demonstrated by a traceless allylic substitution and a formal [3 + 2] cycloaddition to give either functionalized acyclic products or densely substituted cyclopentanes and pyrrolidines in high yields and regioselectivities.
