American Chemical Society
am9b17343_si_002.mp4 (16.73 MB)

Fast Digital Patterning of Surface Topography toward Three-Dimensional Shape-Changing Structures

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posted on 2019-12-14, 03:13 authored by Zhou Chen, Changhong Linghu, Kaixin Yu, Jinye Zhu, Hongyu Luo, Chenghao Qian, Yin Chen, Yipu Du, Shun Zhang, Jizhou Song
Exiting strategies for 3D shape-changing structures are constrained by either the complicated fabrication process or the harsh demands of active materials. Facile preparation of 3D shape-changing structures with an extremely simple approach based on the elastomeric polymer still remains a challenging topic. Here, we report a fast digital patterning of surface topography of a single-layer elastomeric polymer toward 3D shape-changing structures. The surface topography features digitally engraved grooves by a laser engraver on a poly­(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) sheet, which is surface oxidized by the UV-ozone treatment. The resulting engraved PDMS sheets exhibit programmable shape-changing behaviors to form various 3D structures under the action of organic solvent. Experimental and numerical studies reveal the fundamental aspects of surface topography-guided 3D shape-changing structures. Demonstrations of this concept in developing various complex 3D shape-changing structures illustrate the simplicity and effectiveness of our approach, thereby creating engineering opportunities in a wide range of applications such as actuators and soft robots.
