American Chemical Society
pr9b00662_si_001.pdf (764.25 kB)

Detergent-Free Simultaneous Sample Preparation Method for Proteomics and Metabolomics

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-12-12, 17:36 authored by Alexandre Zougman, John P. Wilson, Lee D. Roberts, Rosamonde E. Banks
The integration of omics techniques has seen a step change in our understanding of biological systems. However, multiomics has been impaired by mutually exclusive omic separation methods and the destructive nature of the techniques when sample is limited. We describe Simultaneous Trapping (SiTrap), a simple and effective detergent-free method that facilitates direct measurement of the proteome and metabolome in the same sample extract. This “single-pot” multiomics processing is particularly beneficial in cases when sample amounts are limited or are heterogeneous, for example, tissue biopsies. We demonstrate the value of the SiTrap methodology as an essential multiomics tool in a proof-of-principle integrated study of renal cancer tissue biopsy samples. We believe SiTrap has the potential to become an indispensable tool in translational medical research.
