American Chemical Society
om900444z_si_001.cif (49.85 kB)

Dehydrochlorination to Silylenes by N-Heterocyclic Carbenes

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posted on 2009-09-14, 00:00 authored by Haiyan Cui, Yanjun Shao, Xiaofei Li, Lingbing Kong, Chunming Cui
Reaction of cyclic diaminochlorosilanes with 1,3-bis(tert-butyl)imidazol-2-ylidene resulted in the facile formation of the corresponding stable and transient diaminosilylenes. This novel dehydrochlorination route could be applied for the generation of four- and five-membered N-heterocyclic silylenes with a range of different substituents under very mild conditions. Activation of an olefinic C−H bond and reduction of a cyclic diaminochlorosilane have been observed for these new transient silylenes.
