American Chemical Society
jo9b02318_si_001.pdf (6.66 MB)

Decarboxylative Alkylation of Heteroarenes Using N‑Hydroxybenzimidoyl Chloride Esters

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-10-18, 12:05 authored by Xiaojuan Li, Qiang Zhang, Weigang Zhang, Yi Wang, Yi Pan
Functionalized N-heteroarenes are highly desired motifs in medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical industry. Minisci-type reactions usually require a protonated N-heteroarene for the alkyl radical to attack. This work describes a leaving-group-assisted redox-active ester to enable direct coupling of an amino acid with N-heteroarenes. The efficient and sustainable photoredox strategy provides rapid access to an alkylated heterocyclic manifold.
