American Chemical Society
cs0c00348_si_001.pdf (6.02 MB)

Cp2TiCl2‑Catalyzed Photoredox Allylation of Aldehydes with Visible Light

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-10, 15:24 authored by Andrea Gualandi, Francesco Calogero, Martino Mazzarini, Simone Guazzi, Andrea Fermi, Giacomo Bergamini, Pier Giorgio Cozzi
A Barbier-type Cp2TiCl2-mediated (10 mol %) photoredox allylation of aldehydes under irradiation with visible light (blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 450 nm) and in the presence of an organic dye (3DPAFIPN, 5 mol %) with allylbromides is described.
