American Chemical Society
am0c00561_si_001.pdf (1.34 MB)

Correlation of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Polarization and Charge Transport in Blended Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Perovskites on Macro- and Nanoscales

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-20, 19:34 authored by Liam Collins, Eric S. Muckley, Hsinhan Tsai, Dibyajyoti Ghosh, Amanda J. Neukirch, Sergei Tretiak, Sergei V. Kalinin, Wanyi Nie, Ilia N. Ivanov
Progress in flexible organic electronics necessitates a full understanding of how local inhomogeneities impact electronic and ionic conduction pathways and underlie macroscopic device characteristics. We used frequency- and time-resolved macro- and nanoprobe measurements to study spatiotemporal characteristics of multiscale charge transport dynamics in a series of ternary-blended hybrid organic inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) (MA0.95–xFAxCs0.05PbI3). We show that A-site cation composition defines charge transport mechanisms across broad temporal (102–10–6 s) and spatial (millimeters–picometers) scales. Ab initio molecular dynamic simulations suggest that insertion of FA results in a dynamic lattice, improved ion transport, and dipole screening. We demonstrate that correlations between macro- and nanoscale measurements provide a pathway for accessing distribution of relaxation in nanoscale polarization and charge transport dynamics of ionically conductive functional perovskites.
