American Chemical Society
ja9b11968_si_001.pdf (13.59 MB)

Correction to “Unexpectedly Strong Chiral Amplification of Chiral/Achiral and Chiral/Chiral Copolymers of Biphenylylacetylenes and Further Enhancement/Inversion and Memory of the Macromolecular Helicity”

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-11-19, 17:07 authored by Ryoma Ishidate, Albert J. Markvoort, Katsuhiro Maeda, Eiji Yashima
Correction to “Unexpectedly Strong Chiral Amplification of Chiral/Achiral and Chiral/Chiral Copolymers of Biphenylylacetylenes and Further Enhancement/Inversion and Memory of the Macromolecular Helicity”
