American Chemical Society
ao9b03109_si_001.pdf (7.31 MB)

Catalytic Preparation of 1‑Aryl-Substituted 1,2,4-Triazolium Salts

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-10-18, 18:41 authored by Scott M. Hutchinson, Luis G. Ardón-Muñoz, Margarita L. Ratliff, Jeanne L. Bolliger
1,4-Diaryl- and 1-aryl-4-alkyl-substituted 1,2,4-triazolium salts are convenient air-stable precursors to carbenes used both as organocatalysts or as ligands for transition metal complexes. Traditionally, they are prepared via a multistep synthetic pathway with the low-yielding formation of the triazolium ring occurring in the last step. We have developed an alternative two-step synthesis involving the conversion of a primary amine or aniline derivative to the corresponding 4-substituted triazole followed by a copper-catalyzed arylation with diaryliodonium salts. This transition metal-catalyzed arylation can be carried out under mild conditions in acetonitrile and is tolerant toward both water and oxygen. Additionally, the high functional group tolerance of the protocol described here gives easy access to triazolium salts containing heterocyclic substituents or sulfides.
