American Chemical Society
ja055752d_si_001.cif (12.34 kB)

Catalytic, Asymmetric, “Interrupted” Feist−Bénary Reactions

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posted on 2005-10-26, 00:00 authored by Michael A. Calter, Ryan M. Phillips, Christine Flaschenriem
Pyrimidine derivatives of the cinchona alkaloids function as excellent asymmetric catalysts for the “Interrupted” Feist−Bénary Reaction. This reaction produces highly substituted hydroxydihydrofurans from simple starting materials under mild conditions. The asymmetric reaction gives high enantioselectivities with unsubstituted bromoketones, and high enantio- and diastereoselectivities with substituted substrates. Mechanistic experiments suggest that the hydrobromide salt of the alkaloid derivative is the active catalyst for the reaction.
