American Chemical Society
ol503698s_si_001.cif (18.67 kB)

Asymmetric Dearomatization of 1‑Aminonaphthalene Derivatives by Gold-Catalyzed Intramolecular Double C–C Bond Formation

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posted on 2015-02-06, 00:00 authored by Junko Oka, Ryuichi Okamoto, Keiichi Noguchi, Ken Tanaka
It has been established that a cationic gold­(I)/axially chiral biaryl bisphosphine complex catalyzes asymmetric dearomatization of 1-aminonaphthalene derivatives by the intramolecular double C–C bond formation. Two different dearomatization products were obtained depending on the substituents on the benzyl groups at the alkyne termini.
