American Chemical Society
ja8b07588_si_002.cif (15.25 MB)

2,5-Digermaselenophenes: Germanium Analogues of Selenophenes

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posted on 2018-08-25, 00:00 authored by Tomohiro Sugahara, Takahiro Sasamori, Norihiro Tokitoh
A stable crystalline 2,5-digermaselenophene was synthesized. In contrast to hitherto reported selenophenes, this digermaselenophene exhibits a trans-pyramidalized structure, which is due to its electronic properties. The practical utility of this 2,5-digermaselenophene is reflected in its ability to activate dihydrogen and acetylene at room temperature in the absence of a transition-metal complex, and this behavior can be rationalized on the basis of its physicochemical properties, which are characterized by considerable electron-donating and -accepting abilities.
