American Chemical Society
ja206497x_si_005.cif (19.13 kB)

1,2-BN Cyclohexane: Synthesis, Structure, Dynamics, and Reactivity

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posted on 2011-08-24, 00:00 authored by Wei Luo, Lev N. Zakharov, Shih-Yuan Liu
BN/CC isosterism has emerged as a viable strategy to increase the structural diversity of carbon-based compounds. We present the first synthesis and characterization of the parent 1,2-BN cyclohexane, the BN-isostere of cyclohexane. 1,2-BN cyclohexane is an air- and water-stable compound that cleanly forms a trimer with release of dihydrogen when thermally activated. We also demonstrate that 1,2-BN cyclohexane has a lower activation barrier for ring inversion than cyclohexane due to BN/CC isosterism.
